How to Inspect Your Apartment in Shah Alam for Termite Infestation

by | Jun 21, 2024

How to Inspect a Apartment in Shah Alam for Termite Infestation

When renting in Shah Alam, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of a termite infestation in your apartment. These pests can significantly damage your living area, potentially leading to eviction. This blog post will guide you through how to check your apartment for signs of termite activity and the measures to take if you discover evidence of them.

PS: If you are looking for a pest control service in Shah Alam, contact us now! Our team offers services that are reliable and will ensure that all your termite problems are effectively addressed.

Check for Mud Tubes

One of the most obvious signs of a termite infestation is the presence of mud tubes. Termites will often build these tubes as they travel between their nest and food sources. Termites build mud tubes to shield themselves from predators and arid surroundings when traveling between a food source and their nest.

They may be found around termite nests, wood constructions, and concrete or stone foundations. If you see any mud tubes in your apartment, this is a clear sign that you have a termite problem.

See if There Is Evidence of Swarmers

See if There Is Evidence of Swarmers

Another clear sign of a termite infestation is the presence of swarmers. Swarmers are reproductive termites that have wings and can be seen flying around your apartment.

After a few years, established, successful termite colonies began to produce winged, sexually mature adults known as alates. During the spring, when the weather is moderate, and the air is humid and reasonably calm, the alates fly off to build their own nests.

Nests release all of their alates at once in swarms that immediately disperse. If you find many winged termites within your home, there’s a significant probability there’s a termite nest nearby that’s feeding on the wood in your home.

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Look For Damaged Wood

If you are looking for evidence of a termite infestation, one of the best places to look is damaged wood. Termites will often eat away at the wood in your home, causing it to become brittle and weak.

Damaged wood isn’t always simple to notice. Aside from physically checking the wood for holes and nests, hammering on it is another approach to detect damaged wood. Doors, kitchen cabinets, and wooden closets are the most common targets for drywood termites.

Subterranean termites, on the other hand, mostly inhabit walls, floors, wall dividers, and beams. If the wood sounds hollow or makes a dull thud when tapped, termites have eaten it from the inside out.

See if There Are Termite Droppings and Wings

See if There Are Termite Droppings and Wings

If you are still unsure whether or not you have a termite infestation, you can look for droppings and wings. Termite droppings are small, cylindrical pellets that are black in color.

They may be found near entrances to nests, feeding areas, or wood that has been damaged by termites. Termites also lose their wings when they swarm. If you find wings scattered around your home, it is likely that there was a recent swarm of reproductive termites in your area.

Look For Signs of Moisture

Termites need moisture to survive, so another sign of an infestation is the presence of moisture. Because termites avoid sunlight and air at all costs, moisture creates excellent circumstances for termites to grow because they are wet and out of direct sunlight.

If you notice water damage, black spots on ceilings or walls, and peeling paint, it is likely that you have a termite problem. Termites will often invade homes that are already damaged and weak.

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FAQ’s About How to Inspect an Apartment in Shah Alam for Termite Infestations

Here are the most frequently asked questions about how to inspect for termite infestations in an apartment in Shah Alam:

How Do You Identify Termite Infestation?

The most common way to identify a termite infestation is by the presence of mud tubes. Termites will often build these tubes as they travel between their nest and food sources.

What Can Be Mistaken for Termites?

Some other insects, such as ants, can be mistaken for termites. However, there are ways to distinguish between the two. Termites have straight antennae, whereas ants have elbowed antennae. Termites also have a uniform waist, while ants have a pinched waist.

Do Squeaky Floors Mean Termites?

Excessive creaking on a floor might indicate termite damage. Termite damage undermines flooring around the infestation.


The best way to deal with a termite infestation is to detect it as early as possible. This blog post has outlined the steps you need to take when inspecting an apartment for termites.

By being vigilant and looking out for these signs of an infestation, you can protect your property and your wallet from costly damage. Should you have any more questions in mind, please do not hesitate to give us a call today!